Does Auto Insurance Cover Damage Due to Theft?

When shopping for auto insurance for your vehicle, it’s crucial to ensure you’re getting comprehensive coverage to handle any situation. For instance, if your vehicle is stolen, you want coverage that not only helps replace your car but also covers the services needed to repair it if recovered in a damaged condition. This raises an important question: Does auto insurance cover damage due to theft? Let’s explore this to determine if and how you can get this level of coverage. When you’re ready to shop for auto insurance, the Jason Ridley Agency in Colleyville, TX is here to assist you.

Does Auto Insurance Provide Coverage for Theft Damage?

Like any other question regarding the level of coverage auto insurance offers, it depends on your insurance type. Basic auto insurance covering limited liability won’t cover damage caused by theft. However, a comprehensive auto insurance policy will. Whether your windows are broken to allow the thief access to your vehicle, the body of your vehicle is damaged during a joyride or while evading authorities or there are minor dents or paint damage, a comprehensive policy ensures you’ll have the financial support needed to deal with these damages if you recover your car after it’s stolen.

Ensure Comprehensive Coverage with Jason Ridley Agency

If you’re concerned about theft, the Jason Ridley Agency in Colleyville, TX can help you find and compare comprehensive auto insurance policies that provide maximum protection. Contact us now or compare quotes today!